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Hello! Hi! Salut! Hola! Salve! Oi! Merhaba! Chao ban! Ongi Etorri! (about Learning) FunPed : Learning is actually fun! Unless, For learning means knowing more afterwards than before (e.g. that the earth turns around its own axis and around the sun) or being able to do something you were not able to do before (e.g. a dive from the 5 or 10 m board). And learning is basically fun! And if one has become old and independent enough, there are a lot of possibilities in and outside of school to extend one’s skills and knowledge, in order to improve one’s professional and financial chances, be it, in order to be able to help others, be it, in order to simply be more content oneself. Here pages are being developed concerning foreign languages, mathematics, German; economics and politics, particularly for the area of vocational schools. Suggestions are very welcome. Please write them into the guest book or to woko50@hotmail.com. Thanks! (NOTE: SINCE I AM NOT A NATIVE SPEAKER OF ENGLISH THERE MIGHT BE A COUPLE OF MISTAKES IN THE TEXT: PLEASE FEEL FREE TO TELL ME/ CORRECT ME VIA woko50@hotmail.com Thanks !) |