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Back to questions German version All economic action of national economics takes place in the sectors primary production (agriculture and forestry, etc), production (e.g. automobile manufacturer) and services (e.g. banks, trade, transport). In 2000 workers and employees in Germany were distributed as follows: 3,5% / 37,5% / 59% respectively. The per cent numbers give explanation about the state of development of national economics (high 1st figure: agricultural country; high middle figure: fast-developing nation on the way to industrialization; high 3rd figure: modern industrial nation with high degree of automation in production). Gross is before deductions, net is after deductions (e.g. pay; weight) (G comes before N in the alphabet!). 3/4 = 0,75 (with the pocket calculator: 3 : 4) (for a fraction stroke means: divided by!). inter- = between (e.g. internationally = between countries, connected with each other; intercity = between cities); intra-/ intro- = into (e.g. intravenously = into the vein, syringe!); introvert = inward-looking, withdrawn, reserved, secluded, person!) By the way: Internet does not mean international net, but: connected with each other Per cent means "of hundred", so 10% of 100 = 10; 10% of 20 = 2; 5% of 20 = 1 (calculation: 5 : 100 · 20 = 5/100 · 20 = 1); 16% of 346,75 = ? (calculation: 16/100 · 346,75 or 0,16 · 346,7 = 55,48) By the way: if the number 346,75 was an amount of a bill (= 100%) and 55,48 (16%) the value added tax, one would have to add 346,75 + 55,48 or faster: 116% · 346,75 or 1,16 times 346,75 = 402,23) ex- = out (of) (e.g. export: "out of the harbour"; an ex-friend: with him it is "out" (over); eccentrically = out of (away from) the middle; “off- center") The mass of a body is determined by the sort and number of its atoms or molecules (unit: kg = kilograms). The weight (= the weight force) (from "weigh") indicates the effect of force on account of its mass onto a surface. The weight force is caused by gravitation on earth. (On the moon the same mass, e.g. a person, would weigh much less, because the gravitational force there is much lower than on the earth, namely only approx. one sixth = 1/6). There are other forces apart from the weight force which are caused by other physical processes, e.g.: by pulling, pressing, bending, twisting (unit of the force: N = Newton). Pressure is the effect of a force on a certain surface: the larger the surface, the smaller the pressure; the smaller the surface, the larger the pressure. (Unit: bar; 1 bar = 10 N per cm² or Pascal: 1 bar = 100 000 Pascals). All named words comprise co(m) - and pos- (3rd form: post): put together (3rd form: put together). One can put together fruits; biological waste or musical notes). One can divide every polygon into triangles (lines must not cut each other). One can then calculate every triangle area with the formula g · h : 2 (with g = 1 side of the triangle, h = the vertical distance from this side up to the opposite top). The sum of all triangle areas makes the total area of the polygon. 2 complementary colours make white (incident light, colour of the light, 2 sources of light), or black (hitting light, body colour). Complementary colours are red and green; blue and orange; yellow and purple. (G) KURAP are the initial letters of the branches of the German legal social security in the order of their historical establishment (some were called at first a little bit different): health insurance (1883); accident insurance (1884); pension scheme (1889); unemployment insurance (1927); nursing care insurance (1995). Above all, brass as well as bronze contain copper. Brass = copper + zinc (light gold colour); bronze = copper + tin (dark brown colour). Volt (after Mr Volta) is the unit of the electric tension (voltage) U; ampere (after Mr Ampère) is the unit of the amperage I; ohm (after Mr Ohm) is the unit of the electric resistance R; watt (after Mr James Watt) is the unit of the power P. Because of U = R · I à volt = ohm · ampere à with a constant tension (volt) the amperage (ampere) decreases with a rising resistance. Because of P = U · I à watt = volt · ampere (watt is also named volt-ampere) à with a constant tension, power decreases the (watt) with a falling amperage. Thus power decreases with a rising resistance. kilo- = one thousand (1, 000); mega- is one million (1, 000, 000); giga- is billion (1000 millions, 1, 000, 000, 000) (application for big numbers, e.g. with watts; bytes) Rusting is oxidizing: iron atoms combine with oxygen atoms from the air to ferric oxide. Oxidations (reactions of materials with oxygen) are also named combustions. Because rusting takes place much more slowly and without remarkable bright appearances or warmth appearances, rusting is also called "quiet combustion" (in German). Mandatory deductions of the gross pay are the employee's contributions to the health, care, accident, unemployment insurance and pension fund; from a certain income: wage tax, church tax (if member of a religious community), solidarity contribution (fund reconstruction of former GDR). The federal republic of Germany is a union of 16 federal states (e.g. Hessen, Bavaria) and city-states (Berlin, Hamburg, Bremen), having their own Prime Minister (city-states: governing mayor) and own ministers (city-states: senators) as well as some laws of their own. But: " federal law breaks federal state law ", i .e. in doubtful cases or conflict cases the law of the federal republic has priority. Employers and employees divide the contributions to the legal social security in the relation 50 : 50, exception: the employer must carry the contributions to the accident insurance completely (100%). The most expensive legal social security is the pension fund. At the moment the total contribution is approx. 19% of the gross income (employee's contribution: 50% of it). Property is the legal, possession the real control of a thing. That is, if the possessor of a thing is not of the owner, he has borrowed, rented, found, taken in care or stolen the thing. Amnesty (forgive and forget) is a remission (pardon) for offenders granted by the government, mostly because of an important occasion. Amnesia means a loss of memory. The constitution is the highest law of a state. The constitution of the FRG. still is called "Grundgesetz" (basic law), because there is still no peace treaty after the 2nd world war. (G) The "active vote" (right to vote) is the right to vote in an election (marking is an activity) (in the FRG.: Germans over 18 years; resident in the electoral area for at least 3 months). The "passive vote" (elegibility) is the right to be elected (one is chosen, Passive Voice) (in the FRG.: Germans over 18 years; German nationality for at least 1 year). Democracy = people's rule (from Greek: demos = people; kratein = rule) An emission is an output (from ex- = out of; missio = mission) mostly of pollutants from chimneys or exhaust pipes. An intromission (from intro- = into) is the effect of released pollutants on people, animals, plants, soil, air, water, buildings. These designations in shipping navigation mean: starboard = in direction of the traffic on the right; port = in direction of the traffic on the left. Starboard is lit up green, port red, so that one can recognize at night whether a ship goes in the same direction or meets one. Incidentally: aeroplanes use the same colours. (G) The "Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch" (German Civil Code, in force since 1/1/1900) regulates obligations, legal transactions, law of property, family right, law of succession. A subject (person, thing or the notion which does something, "doer", mostly at the beginning of the sentence) can be a noun, a pronoun or a name (the pupils speaks; He speaks; Thomas speaks). An object (person, thing, the notion to which something is done, "victim", mostly at the end of the sentence) can be a noun, a pronoun or a name (... searches for the pupil;... searches for him; ... searches forThomas). By the way: in a passive clause (Thomas is searched by Michael) an exchange of subject and object takes place: the "victim" becomes the subject, the "offenders" the object. By the way (2): the activity in the sentence, always a verb (e.g. search), is called predicate. (G) The "first man" in our country (FRG.) is the Federal President. He is chosen for 5 years and has mainly representative tasks. (G) The Bundestag = the German parliament = representatives of the people elected by the people (correspondingly: Landtag = parliament of a federal state or Land, kreis assembly = parliament of the district; city parliament), elected in elections to the Bundestag (correspondingly: state elections; elections to the parliament of a federal state or Land; local elections). The Bundesrat = representative of the federal states (Lands). The Federal Assembly = member of the Bundestag + same number of representatives of the federal states (elected by the parliament of a federal state or Land) for special tasks, e.g. the election of the Federal President Socialisation is the process of a person becoming a member of society and able to decide and act, namely by parental and school education as well as other influences of the environment (friends, mass media like television, radio, newspapers, magazines, Internet). Rehabilitation (re- = again) (in German: "resocialisation") means all measures with which former convicts should be integrated again into society (e.g. by therapies; leisure offers and employment offers, secondary school qualifications; instruction). Authoritarian education: there are orders, prohibitions and punishments, no participation. Democratic education: principle of the equal rights, common solutions of conflicts by conversations and agreements, rules and borders as a frame. Anti-authoritarian education: no constraints and prohibitions, orientations exist, however, are not put through against the will of the child. Laisser-faire behaviour (French: " let do "): no rules, no borders, no orientations for right or wrong (G) Distinguished are: intention: fully intentionally, mostly planned; grossly negligence: certainly, no intention, but damages of people or things accepted; negligence: occurred damage not wanted or not known, care had not been considered. (G) Jugendschutzgesetz (Child protection law) (actually: Gesetz zum Schutz der Jugend in der Öffentlichkeit = law of the protection of the youth in the public) = general rules, e.g. smoking, consumption of alcohol, visit of restaurants, etc. Jugendarbeitsschutzgesetz (youth industrial safety act) = rules about the protection of young persons in the workplace (working hours and break times, holidays; child employment prohibition: less than 15 years) (G) Diäten (Emoluments) = "compensation" (income, has to be paid tax on) for members of parliament, is to protect their independence 0.84 = 84 : 100 = 84/100 = (reduced) 42/50 = 21/25 (21 twentyfifths) Economy = the science of business; ecology = the science of the environment (more exactly: of the relations between the living beings and their environment) (mnemonic: does not work in English) All enterprises and almost all people behave according the economic principle to make as much profit as possible, or to save money: either one has a certain aim (e. g. to sell 1 million cars per year or spend a two weeks’ holiday half board in Majorca) and tries to reach it with the lowest cost possible or to get it as cheap as possible. Or one has a certain amount (of workers; engines; or money saved for a holiday) and tries to reach the maximum with it (as many goods as possible or as long a holiday as possible) poly- = a lot (almost all synthetic materials are named poly... because their molecules are long chains of many single molecules) By the way: mono- = single, one- ; stereo, dual or bi- = double or two; quadro- = four times semi-= half (e.g., semi-final) The IRA = Irish Republican Army (militant Irish underground organization that wants to reunify Northern Ireland, which belongs partly to Great Britain, with the Republic of Ireland =; ETA = Euzkadi ta Atskatasuna (Basque for: " Basque provinces and freedom ") (the militant Basque underground organization which demands own government for Basques living in north Spain and south France); PLO = Palastinian Liberation Organization (wants own government of Palestina, or remove the government of Israel) Emigrants = people who leave a country for good (from ex- = out); immigrants = people who come to live in another country (cf also: emissions and intromissions, question 50) Parts of speech: e.g. nouns (e.g., table), verbs (e.g. sleeps), adjectives (e.g. warm), adverbs (e.g. yesterday), pronouns (e.g. he), articles (e.g. the), etc; parts of a sentence (constituents, tasks of the words in a sentence): subject (e.g. article + noun: the salesman ..., pronouns: He ..., names:Thomas ...); predicate (verb:... discusses ...); object (e.g. noun:... the customer; pronoun:... him, name:... Mr Schwarz); adverbials (e.g. adverbs: yesterday, expression of several parts of speech: with a pencil) (s. also question 53) It is about 2 different temperature scales (different temperature at 0 °; other degree range): 0 °Celsius = 32 °Fahrenheit; scale: 5 degrees Centigrade = 9 degrees Fahrenheit (i.e.: +5 °C = 32 + 9 = +41 °F; -5 °C = 32 - 9 = +23 °F; +10 °C = 32 + 18 = +50 °F, etc ; formula: °F = °C times 9/5 - 32 or: °C = (°F - 32) times 5/9 (Fahrenheit is used, first of all, in the USA) An investment (verb: invest) is the purchase or the rent of things or rights to earn money with it (subject investments: e.g. a machine; finance investments: e.g. shares; personnel investments: e.g. courses for employees) auto- = self (automobile = movable by itself; automatic = doing by itself) 10 minus 30 = -20 (minus 20) (if the temperature is at +10 ° and the temperature falls by 30 °, then the temperature will be at -20 °!) 3/5 minus 4/5 = -1/5 (explanation see question 72) The numerator is the number above the fraction stroke; the denominator is the number under the fraction stroke. A discount = price deduction: mostly on prompt or cash payment (therefore, also: "cash discount"), for example 2% of the amount payable (i.e.: 20 $ of 1000 §) Deposit money = money through cashless transfers (money of a transfer is credited to the recipient in the books/ today: in the computer) The fraction stroke has the meaning of divided (:), i.e.: 3/7 = 3 : 7. A pocket calculator supplies the result: 0.428571428... By the way: fractions with the denominator 7 result in periodic decimal fractions, in the above example: 0.428571 428571 428571 428571 428571... Coalition = alliance, union (form a coalition = form an alliance), e.g. of two political parties (SPD and Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen) (German Socialdemocratic Party and Alliance 90/ the Greens) if one party does not have the majority in the parliament Left parties = communist, socialist, social democratic ("red") ones; right parties = conservative ("black"), nationalistic ("brown") ones In carbon monoxide a carbon atom is connected only with one oxygen atom (mono = only, one, e.g. monopoly, mono instead of stereo; monogamy): CO (appears with processes of combustion, is lighter than air, poisonous with inhalation, combines - instead of oxygen - with the red blood cells); in carbon dioxide with two oxygen atoms (di-= both, two): CO2 (colourless, odourless, tasteless, appears with breathing and with processes of combustion, to a large extent responsible for the heating of the earth, "greenhouse effect") The Kelvin temperature scale (only "K", not "°K"!) begins with the absolute neutral point in which - even in the atomic area - no more movement is to be stated. This temperature corresponds to –273.16 °Celsius (= 0 Kelvin). Fortunately Kelvin degrees have the same length as Celsius degrees, so that 273.16° have to be added to a given Celsius temperature to get the corresponding Kelvin temperature. By a conversion of K into °C 273.16 ° have to be substracted accordingly. The fact that each of the 18 associations has to play against each other, results in 18 times 17 = 306 games in one season. If all teams play on the same day (= 18 : 2 = 9 matings) there will be 306 : 9 = 34 match days. With 20 teams there would be 20 times 19 = 380 games, divided by 10 matings = 38 match days. (The return games are included, because ,e.g., the combination K versus M as well as the one M versus K are contained in the 306, or 380 games.) Wheat ears hardly have any beards (the bristles which reach beyond the ears); rye ears have visible beards of a few centimeters in length; barley ears have very long beards (5-10 cm in length). In North America (Canada and the USA) English is spoken, in a part of Canada also French; Spanish in Central America (e.g. Mexico; Nicaragua); in the Caribbean Spanish or English; in South America Spanish (e.g. Argentina, Peru, Bolivia, Chile) and Portuguese (only in Brazil). After the conquest of South America by the Spaniards and the Portuguese in the 15th and 16th century the Spaniards and the Portuguese divided the subcontinent among themselves, namely into a western (Spanish one) and an eastern (Portuguese) half. Brazil is almost as big as the many Spanish speaking countries. The UN (United Nations Organization) is a world-wide organization to which almost all nations belong. After 2 world wars the world peace should be protected. The NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) was created after the 2nd world war as a military bulwark against the Warsaw Pact of the communist countries of Europe. After the breakdown of the Soviet Union and the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact the NATO has become virtually "unemployed”. It is assigned military tasks by the UN to execute peace missions (e.g. Gulf War; Kosovo). |